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Kiki's Yarn Works

Knitting a creative life, one stitch at a time.

The arts played a vital role in my life from a very early age. I made a career out of acting and dancing for three decades before the pandemic forced me to rethink my priorities. It was then that I turned to knitting as a creative way to process a new beginning. 


I had originally learned to knit from my grandmother as a small child.  Many years later I was reintroduced to it while rehearsing the show "Cascabel" at the Goodman Theater in Chicago: I was sharing a dressing room with an acrobat who in between her incredible physical feats, would wind down by knitting. I  envied her stillness. I was reminded of her during the pandemic and picked up the knitting needles she had gifted me years before.


I loved the tactile quality of it. Working with fiber was soothing. It was something I could manipulate in my hands and make something useful and beautiful out of. It was a way to find order in a world that during that period was uncertain and frightening.


Claiming my childhood nickname for the name of the business seemed like a way to reopen the doors to the endless creativity I experienced early on in my life. It was also embracing the idea that the aging process is not a kind of wilting of the self, but a way of becoming everything you were always meant to be.

Kiki's Yarn Works was born out of reinvention; the ability we all have to shape our own lives in a way that invites authenticity.


I hope you will follow me in this ever-evolving journey…

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